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COVID Pandemic - Increase for Cold Storage

Written by GSP Marketing | May 12, 2020 5:26:00 PM

The COVID pandemic led to changes in almost every industry, from business to healthcare. Within each industry, stakeholders have been forced to look for solutions to new challenges. One such challenge affecting both the medical and food industries is an increase in the need for cold storage.

Why Is More Cold Storage Necessary?

A certain amount of cold storage has always been a necessity for many businesses. However, the changes resulting from the recent pandemic have led to a growing need for even more cold storage. 

One of the primary factors contributing to the need for cold storage is the rise in online grocery sales. When consumers are forced to shelter in place and/or choose not to venture out of their homes for safety reasons, they are more likely to order their groceries online. To accommodate the increase in online grocery sales, businesses within this industry will need more space in industrial freezers and coolers. This growing need applies to both suppliers and local grocery stores. 

The need for additional cold storage space in the grocery industry is not expected to disappear even when the pandemic is in the past. As consumers grow more comfortable with the idea of ordering groceries online, they are likely to continue this practice in the future. 

Likewise, restaurants have seen a change in their operations because of the pandemic as well. As more consumers opt for delivery or take-out options, these businesses will need to invest in additional cold storage as well. 

The food industry is not the only industry impacted by the need for more cold storage options. The rise in illness within the population has led to a greater need for medications in healthcare facilities, many of which must be stored at low temperatures. As a result, hospitals and other healthcare facilities have been forced to expand their available cold storage space. 

Considering Quality

Whether cold storage is being used to preserve foods or medications, quality is an important consideration. Food suppliers and grocery stores that are not able to store food safely and effectively run the risk of selling inferior or even dangerous products to consumers. Likewise, if healthcare facilities are not able to maintain the appropriate temperature within cold storage facilities, the safety, effectiveness and shelf life of stored medications may be compromised. For this reason, businesses in these industries need reliable, effective cold storage options. 

Installing Modern Cold Storage

Cold storage technologies have evolved considerably in recent years, making plenty of options available to healthcare and food industry businesses. Specialized materials are available to insulate cold storage spaces with as little energy loss or expense as possible. Likewise, advanced technologies make it possible for businesses to maintain tight temperature controls within these spaces and receive alerts when the temperature falls outside of the desired range. With the right cold storage building materials and equipment, businesses can develop cold storage facilities that keep their inventory safe and protected at all times. 

Even if the COVID pandemic loosens its grip, it is clear that the increased need for cold storage is not going to disappear. Businesses lacking in necessary cold storage facilities should anticipate this trend now and expand their capabilities as soon as possible to stay ahead of the game.