
Insulated Metal Panel Approvals Defined

Posted by , GSP Marketing on September 27, 2019
GSP Marketing

Building approval for insulated metal panels falls into multiple categories. Here's a little more information about the most common approvals:

FM Approved Class 1 Walls
These materials have been tested to insure that self-propagating fire risk has been significantly reduced. Insulated walls include foam, which if not treated can be highly fire-prone. In short, such walls approved are tested in actual fire test rooms to make sure they do not self-combust and spread fire or vapors that enhance ignition.

FM Approved Class 1 Exterior Walls Rating
This kind of approval addresses panels that sit on the outside of a unit with the surfaces exposed to the outside elements. These panels are fire tested under a rigorous approach that replicates common fire risks for such panels, from high heat sun exposure to direct fire application.

Factory Mutual Roof Approval
When a fire occurs or there is a heat element, heat rises. And roofing can be very susceptible to spreading fire quickly when insufficiently protected. Factory Mutual Roof Approval tests roof panels for high heat durability and insures that such panels are able to withstand and resist heat damage and fire spread within the unit structure.

Florida Approval
This testing approval confirms that the cold storage metal panel has full compliance with state law under Florida Building Code 2017, Sections 1403.3, 1709.2, 2603.3, as confirmed by a state inspector, an entirely separate testing versus industry testing noted above.

Dade County Approval
Provided in two separate approvals of roofing and wall rating, the County approval confirms compliance withe expected County building regulations as confirmed by county inspectors.

For a complete list of Green Span Profiles' IMP Approvals, which include all of the above, please visit our Approvals page. Need panels for an upcoming project? Please reach out.

Topics: Product Testing, Insulated Metal Panels

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