Insulated metal panel roofs use industry-leading technology to deliver superior benefits for metal roofs. The interior tongue-and-groove joint, coupled with a factory-caulked batten, helps provide a double layer of weather-tight protection. This single-element construction is insulated at the...
Topics: Metal Roofing, RidgeLine
What does it mean to be Fire Resistant and Impact Resistant?
Fire resistant and impact resistant tests are designed to evaluate building materials to ensure that they are safe for use in construction. To accurately assess a material or product's ability to resist fire or significant impact, a series of tests are performed. The type and scope of tests used...
Topics: Product Testing
Architectural Metal Panels - Colors, Styles and Textures Trending in 2020
This year is simply emanating radiance when it comes to the various colors, finishes and materials that are predicted to be highly trending for 2019-2020. What people are looking for today when it comes to insulated metal panels are three key factors: color options, the engineered environment and...
Topics: Insulated Metal Panels
The Benefits of Mixing in Metal Panels Within Your Commercial Building
Metal panels can replace a variety of other building materials, including wood, concrete, brick, or rock. Metal is often cheaper in price, has better fire-resistance, does not mold or rot, and may have a longer lifespan than many of these materials. Here are four different ways that metal panels...
Topics: Insulated Metal Panels
The old adage, ‘build local, buy local’ seems like a distant memory, but companies such as Green Span Profiles is continually doing its part to keep that dream very much alive and well. As a leading manufacturer of insulated metal panels (IMP), Green Span is proud to be a privately operated and...
Topics: about us
Green Span Profiles celebrated our 8th Anniversary this month. That’s 8 years of drafting, engineering, estimating, manufacturing, delivering and installing the best insulated metal panels on the market; and let me tell you what, we’ve come a long way since we started.
Topics: Green Span News
Factory Mutual Laboratories, also called FM Approvals, is an international company that offers third-party testing and certification services. FM Approvals tests products and services that are designed to decrease loss within commercial and industrial buildings in the event something unexpected...
Topics: Insulated Metal Panels
There are certain inherent hazards for employees who work in or around cold storage facilities. As such, precautions must be taken by employers and the workers themselves in order to ensure safety for all concerned. The following cold storage safety tips should be implemented whenever possible.
Topics: Cold Storage, Safety
Cold storage panels provide a very tight containment of temperature in a freezer, refrigerator walk-in, or food processing area for cold and frozen foods. Everyone in the food business knows temperature is the enemy of food longevity. As soon as food begins to get warmer, the deterioration process...
Topics: Cold Storage
METALCON 2019 is just around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited to attend! METALCON is being held in Pittsburgh, PA this year — that’s right, the largest convention dedicated to metal in design and metal construction in North America will be taking place in the Steel City itself!
Topics: Green Span Events